Help us grow local news in Door County.

We’re working to provide in-depth, watchdog local news reporting for Door County. Your contribution of any amount affirms that you believe quality local news is crucial to Door County’s future and the community’s path forward. Our members voluntarily pay to provide all Door County residents with free journalism that looks at issues directly, explores solutions and holds the powerful accountable. If you’re able to, please make a donation of whatever amount is meaningful to you.

If you make a donation by Dec. 31, your gift of up to $1,000 will be tripled, thanks to matching funds NewsMatch and generous local donors. If you prefer to start a new monthly donation, your gift will be matched once at the annual level and twice more at the monthly level – meaning, for example, a new monthly donation of $10/month equals a total of $150 going to Door County Knock right now.

Your support, with a donation of whatever amount is meaningful to you, means a lot to us. Will you help build the positive, public-service future of Door County journalism with a donation to Door County Knock?


Your contribution is appreciated.

Note: We’ve added an additional security measure to our website. If you do not receive a confirmation page after donating or are unsure if your donation went through, please contact us at [email protected].

Become a member

Become a member of Knock by making a donation of any size. If you have any questions about membership or wish to change your recurring donation, please contact us at [email protected].

If you’d prefer to mail a check

Please send it to:

Door County Knock
P.O. Box 147
Egg Harbor, WI 54209

Tax information

Knock is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, meaning any contributions or gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our work is reader-supported: Your contributions are what allow us to produce high-quality, independent journalism for Door County.

EIN: 82-3880972
Note: Our organization’s legal name is Knock Publishing Company.